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  • camrynprovan

Week Four in NYC

This week featured some of the hottest summer days so far this year in New York. As a result, I've learned to pay more attention to my weather app and plan my outings wisely! For example, instead of previously going for walks or outdoor activities in the afternoon, I now try to head out early in the morning and get my work done in the afternoon. I have also been focusing a lot on research for my coursework sessions and have already learned so much!

21st of June (Friday)

  • Went on a big walk around Cobble Hill and the Dumbo area in the morning

  • Spent the afternoon researching for my upcoming session the following Monday. This consisted of a case study on I-D magazine and furthering my understanding of other research topics.

22nd of June (Saturday)

  • Explored some of the West Village

  • Visited a few local thrift shops and small businesses in the area

  • Had my first celebrity sighting outside my local CVS (Margaret Qualley and Jack Antonoff)

23rd of June (Sunday)

  • Woke up early and walked around the Brooklyn pier

  • Visited the Brooklyn Flea Market

  • Watched the sunset in Brooklyn Heights

24th of June (Monday)

  • Participated in my Messwork class, sharing my research and findings

  • Treated myself to a bagel after working most of the day

25th of June (Tuesday)

  • Walked around the Dumbo area first thing in the morning

  • Spent some time working and researching in a local coffee shop

24th of June (Wednesday)

  • Walked over the Brooklyn Bridge in the morning

  • Had an online session with Messwork

  • Took a trip to Trader Joe's for the first time (officially one of my favourite supermarkets)

25th of June (Thursday)

  • Spent the day getting ahead on some work for the following week

  • Watched the sunset over Manhattan, in the Dumbo area

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